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About Us



At Curly Q Grand Pageants we are looking for Girls and Boys of all ages to represent their community by competing in not just Beauty. but Talent and Community Service Events!


Community service plays a huge role in Curly Q Grand Pageants!  Whether its volunteering at a local nursing home or singing on your church choir, we like our girls and boys to not only exemplify the royalty of the tiaras & crowns they wear on their heads, but have the education & lifestyles to prove it justice! Royalty will participate in community events, parades and much more! We can't wait to have YOU apart of the Curly Q Grand Pageant Family!


Please navigate through the site &  Come join us at our next Themed pageant!! 

Meet the Director

Hi! I'm Miss Q, Owner and Director of Curly Q Grand Pageants.  Are you looking for a pageant family? Looking for a stress free pageant? New to pageantry? Are you a rocking boy that can't find a stage? Do you compete only natural? Do you prefer bling? Do you need a Director that is easy to reach?
Then Visit Curly Q Grand Pageants! We have upcoming events in the DC, MD, NOVA and VIRGINIA areas!! Check our website for dates! 

I have an awesome pageant kid too so the advantage of choosng Curly Q is--You have a Diretor that GETS IT!!! I produce events, supply gifts and packages I would want my very own to receive so its passsed down to each ONE OF YOU!!! WE TRULY BECOME FAMILY! Just ask aroud!
~°~°~°Noone every leaves empty handed!---Custom Monogrammed Zebra Sashes---Crown 👑& Gift Package 🎁 at EVERY PAGEANT!! ---Lights, Staging & Professional Photography📷 PLUS---- ONSTAGE CASH 💵 PRIZES AT EVERY PAGEANT!! 

Drop me line to say hello and I can't wait to meet you!!

-Miss Q

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